Jackson Family Trees

This post features several of my family trees. There are links associated with each of the family tree files which come in FamilyTreeMaker 2012 format. This program was once owned by Ancestry.com but was bought out by Mackiev Software (www.mackiev.com).

I began building my first family tree in 1999, and it grew substantially over the years. In the meantime, I began several other family trees which also grew substantially, some to the tune of over 100,000 people. Each file became very large and thus incapable of merging with my original base file despite numerous efforts by myself and Ancestry.com. In fact, their attempt to merge two of my large files resulted in a disaster! I wound up with one large file with literally thousands of “orphan” people who had no relation to anyone. I was glad that I had a backup file!

In any case, I gave up trying to merge files and have simply figured out a way to name them in a way that they can be associated with either my main file or any of the other individual family trees. However, as a side note, I have also not been able to convert the main file to a Gedcom. Ancestry.com thought that the issue was caused because this file was originally started in one of their first FTM programs and converted several times as they developed new revisions to their program.

Above, a screenshot from FTM-2012 of my Brenner grandparents.

After many attempts to merge my family trees or to convert them to programs that everyone can view and download, I gave up and have decided to simply share my family tree files via my blog.

As an aside, I have many, many photos and documents that are associated with my family tree files.  They will eventually all be associated with the files that are linked below.

After you download the file, you will note that I am the “homeperson” and everyone on the tree is related to me in some way.  If you are on any of these trees, simply make yourself the homeperson and you will see how everyone in the tree is related to you.  Also, check the top portion of the index to each file, there are some very interesting people listed there.

If you would like to download any of my family tree files, please click on the links below.  

When you click on any file links, you should see the following.  Select download.


Jackson Family Tree Volume 1

This FTM file is the main family tree file.  I shows my family members that originated in Europe and eventually migrated to the USA.  

This FTM-2012 file can be downloaded using the link below:


This is a link to a folder that contains portraits of some of the people in the above file:



Jackson Family Tree Volume 2

This is volume 2 of my family tree.  It was created because I could not merge it with volume 1.  There are many people on this file that are also on volume 1.  Perhaps you will have better results if you try to merge volume 1 and volume 2. 

This FTM-2012 file can be downloaded using the link below:


This is a link to a folder that contains portraits of some of the people in the above file:



Jackson Family Tree Volume 3

This is volume 3 of my family tree.  This is an unusual file to say the least.  It contains the ancestors and descendants of Rollo Ragnvaldsson.  Rollo was the legendary viking who became the 1st Duke of Normandy.

This FTM-2012 file can be downloaded using the link below:


This is a link to a folder that contains portraits of some of the people in the above file:



Surnames in the above files:

Surnames that are included in these files include: Bartlett, Bauer, Burton, Brenner, Coble, Coffey, Gacayan, Jackson, Kobel, Nash, Smith, Sprenger, Vogelgesang and Wilson.

Some of the photos from this family tree:

Above: The Silva O. Jackson family in Texas (may be Paris or Matador).

Above: Gallant Bartlett and Nancy Davis family perhaps in Utah.

Above: The Coble family: Miller, Daniel, Nina, William, Artina, John, Neva, Eli, and Margaret.

Above, Stephen West (#1) birthday and Mary Belk West (#2).

Above,  Isaac Nash, Newton Coble, Mary Corella Nash and Robert T. Nash.

Above, Alonzoa and Silva Jackson picking cotton in Texas.

Above, a colorized photo from a tintype of Amanda Smith-Jackson in Texas.

Above, the Nash-Burton-Coble family reunion in 1916 in Paris, Texas.  My grandmother is the little blond girl in the bottom row, third from the left.


All photographs are the copyright of Jim Jackson Photography. Please contact me for authorization to use or for signed, high-resolution copies.


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