Jackson’s Birds of America and the World

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If you ask almost anyone to name a famous ornithologist they would probably say John James Audubon.  In fact, even those birders with the slightest interest in birds would not have any hesitation to name Mr. Audubon.  Unfortunately, there are those who would hesitate to name him as an ornithologist, instead, putting him in the category of wildlife artist, of which he was a great one.

American Bald Eagle

This post is not about Mr. Audubon, but rather about a quest to document, as much as possible, the birds of America and the World.  Of course, since the lifetime of Audubon’s quest to document the birds of America, many have disappeared, not just from their natural habitat to some other place, but in this case, to extinction.  The Carolina Paroquet, was fairly common during Audubon’s time as was the Passenger Pigeon whose great numbers blackened the skies.  Both are now extinct and many more birds are on the verge of extinction.  

So what is the cause of the decline of so many bird species?  Is it hunting?  Not really, as this is being more and more regulated, but it is also becoming less favorable as a hobby.  I recall during my hunting days, long gone in the past, when I had shot a magnificent ring-necked pheasant.  I showed a photo of the dead bird to a co-worker who was very proficient at making custom knives.  He just looked at the photo and said, “How does it feel to destroy such a beautiful bird with a high-powered shotgun?”  I was stunned, but it made me realize how right he was.  From then on, I concentrated on hunting with my camera.

Above, is an Archaeopteryx fossil found in Solnhofen, Germany in the famous Solnhofen plattenkalk (limestone) formation.  It is one of the earliest feathered theropod dinosaurs.   We can say that evolution has caused the decline of many species, however, in more recent times, man has played a large part in this evolutionary process. 

The goal of this post is not to focus so much on the negativity of the ways of mankind’s adverse effect on the wildlife of the world, but rather to show the beauty and diversity of birdlife on this planet.  The mission is also to show how complex Mother Nature is, and how she can plant a Speckled Teal, above, on Lake Titicaca in Peru and have such a very similar species halfway around to the other side of the planet.

Wood Duck

Is this a complete listing of every bird species in the World?  No, of course not, but it is ongoing and a goal that may never be reached.  In fact, in its present state, it is merely a personal checklist of birds that I have seen.

In this listing, I have tried to maintain the standard convention for grouping bird species, although some countries use slightly different groupings.  I have purposely omitted three items that may be standard for most bird identification guides: 1.) no scientific names, 2.) no in-depth descriptions, and 3.) no migrant or residency information.  It is felt that if the reader would like more information on a particular bird, the internet would have a wealth of that specific data.

Turkey Vulture

In this post, you might see the occasional bird in a rather unnatural setting, like on a manmade fence post, or telephone wire.  It seems that this is the new natural environment for many birds and I wonder how Audubon would have drawn his subjects were he to do it today.    

Collared Kingfisher

The listing and photographs below begin with Birds of Prey and continue alphabetically to Wrens and include nearly all bird groupings in between.

Birds of Prey:

American Kestrel, Staten Island Road, San Joaquin County, California

Aplomado Falcon, Peru

Aplomado Falcon, Peru

Bald Eagle, Crystal Springs Rhododendron Gardens, Portland, Oregon

Bald Eagle, Snowberry Way Parkway, Orangevale, California

Bald Eagle, Snowberry Way Parkway, Orangevale, California

Bald Eagle, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Bald Eagle (juvenile), Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Brahminy Kite, Subic Bay, Philippines

Cooper’s Hawk, Carmichael, California

Cooper’s Hawk, Carmichael, California

Crested Caracara, Aransas, Texas

Crested Serpent Eagle, Subic Bay, Philippines

Golden Eagle, Tracy Aviary, SLC, Utah

Merlin, Merced National Wildlife Refuge

Mountain Caracara Hawk, Rainbow Mountains, Peru

Mountain Caracara Hawk (juvenile), Rainbow Mountains, Peru

Northern Harrier, Mather Lake Recreation Area, Rancho Cordova, California

Northern Harrier (male), Riego Road, Sutter County, California

Osprey, Staten Island Road, San Joaquin County, California

Osprey (note nictitating eye membrane), Staten Island Road, San Joaquin County, California

Peregrine Falcon, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Peregrine Falcon (note nictitating eye membrane), Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Peregrine Falcon, Effie Yeaw Nature Center, Carmichael, California

Philippine Eagle (named Girlie), Aquino Park, Quezon City, Philippines

Philippine Falconet, Subic Bay, Philippines

Red Kite, or German Rotmilan, Ormesheim, Germany

Red-Shouldered Hawk, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Red-Shouldered Hawk (note nictitating eye membrane), Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Red-Tailed Hawk, Woodbridge Wildlife Refuge, San Joaquin County, California

Red-Tailed Hawk, Coyote Hills, Fremont, California

Red-Tailed Hawk, Aransas, Texas

Saker Falcon, Dubai, UAE

Saker Falcon, Dubai, UAE

Saker Falcon, Dubai, UAE

Sharp-Shinned Hawk, Meiss Road, Sloughhouse, California

Swainson’s Hawk, Woodland, California

Swainson’s Hawk (note nictitating eye membrane), Woodland, California

White-bellied Sea-eagle, Aquino Park, Quezon City, Philippines

White-Tailed Kite, Carmichael, California

White-Tailed Kite, Carmichael, California

Blackbirds, Drongos, and Grackles:

Balicassiao, or Black Drongo, Subic Bay, Philippines

Brewers Blackbird, San Simeon, California

Brewers Blackbird (female), Gibson Ranch, Sacramento County, California

Brown-Headed Cowbird (male), SNWR, Willows, California

Brown-Headed Cowbird (female), Corteva Wetlands Preserve, Antioch, California

Eurasian Blackbird, Delphi, Greece

Great-tailed Grackle, Cozumel, Mexico

Great-Tailed Grackle, Mather Lake Recreation Area, Rancho Cordova, California

Red-Winged Blackbird, Vic Fazio Wildlife Area, Yolo County, California

Red-Winged Blackbird, SNWR, Willows, California

Red-Winged Blackbird (female), Cosumnes River Preserve, Sacramento County, California

Tricolored Blackbird (female), Vic Fazio Wildlife Area, Yolo County, California

Tricolored Blackbird (male), Vic Fazio Wildlife Area, Yolo County, California

Yellow-headed Blackbird (male), Bear River Refuge, Utah

Yellow-headed Blackbird (female), Bear River Refuge, Utah


Mountain Bluebird, Long Beach, California

Mountain Bluebird (juvenile), Long Beach, California 

Western Bluebird, near William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Western Bluebird, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Western Bluebird, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California


Philippine Bulbul, Pias, La Union, Philippines

Yellow-vented Bulbul, Sunset Bay, La Union, Philippines


Chestnut-Backed Chickadee, Angel Island, California

Mountain Chickadee, Soda Springs, California


Andean Condor (named Andy N. Condor), Tracy Aviary, SLC, Utah

California Condor, Number 90, (named the Redwood Queen), Pinnacles National Park

Coots, Moorhens, and Jacanas:

American Coot, Merced National Wildlife Refuge

Andean Moorhen, Lake Titicaca, Peru

Andean Red Fronted Coot, Lake Titicaca, Peru

Common Gallinule (formerly Common Moorhen), Sankey Road, North of Sacramento Airport

Common Gallinule (formerly Common Moorhen), Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Northern Jacana, Cozumel, Mexico

Sora, Cosumnes River Preserve

Cormorants and Anhingas:

Anhinga, Cozumel, Mexico

Brandt’s Cormorant, Point Lobos, California

Double-Crested Cormorant, Woodbridge Ecological Reserve, San Joaquin County, California

Double-Crested Cormorant, Elkhorn Slough, California

Neotropic Cormorant, Balboa Lake, Van Nuys, California

Pelagic Cormorant, Point Lobos, California

Pelagic Cormorant, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California


Demoiselle Crane, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Grey-crowned Crane, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Sandhill Crane (Lesser), Merced National Wildlife Refuge

Sandhill Crane (Greater), Isenberg Crane Reserve, Lodi, California

Greater and Lesser Sandhill Cranes, Isenberg Refuge, Lodi, California

Sandhill Crane (Greater, banded), Staten Island Road, near Thornton, California

Whooping Crane, Aransas, Texas

Whooping Crane (juvenile), Aransas Texas

Crows and Ravens:

American Crow, Carmichael, California

Chihuahuan Raven, San Pedro House, Sierra Vista, Arizona

Common Raven, Yellowstone National Park

Hooded Crow (hybrid), Auschwitz, Poland

Hooded Crow, Tallinn, Estonia

Large-billed Crow, Subic Bay, Philippines

Cuckoos and Roadrunners:

Greater Roadrunner, Red Roof Inn, Marana, Arizona

Greater Roadrunner, near North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park

Greater Roadrunner, near North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park

Groove-billed Ani, Cozumel, Mexico

Philippine Coucal, Pias, La Union, Philippines

Divers and Skimmers:

Black Skimmer, Shoreline, Mountain View, California

Black Skimmer, Shoreline, Mountain View, California

Domesticated Game Fowl:

Bantam Chicken, William Land Park, Sacramento, California

Philippine Fighting Cock, Pias, La Union, Philippines

Philippine Fighting Cock, Pias, La Union, Philippines

Doves and Pigeons:

Band-tailed Pigeon, Angel Island, California

Green Imperial Pigeon, Subic Bay, Philippines

Eurasian Collared-Dove, Bacon Island, Holt, California

Eurasian Collared-Dove, Athens, Greece

Inca Dove, Aransas, Texas

Mourning Dove, Carmichael, California

Mourning Dove, Carmichael, California

Palm Dove (Laughing Dove), Dubai, UAE

Rock Dove, Martinez, California

Rock Dove, Martinez, California

Ruddy Ground Dove, Cozumel, Mexico

White-crowned Pigeon, Cozumel, Mexico

White Pigeon (or Release Dove), Long Beach, California

White-winged Dove, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Zebra Dove, Puerto De San Juan, La Union, Philippines


American Peking Duck, McKinley Park, Sacramento, California

American Wigeon, Cosumnes River Preserve, Sacramento County, California

Baer’s Pochard (female), Tracy Aviary, SLC, Utah

Barrows Goldeneye, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Barrows Goldeneye, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Black Wool Red Head Duck, Beijing, China

Blue-winged Teal, Aransas, Texas

Buff Duck, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California 

Bufflehead Duck (male), Bass Lake, California

Bufflehead Duck, Watt Avenue Regional Park, Sacramento, California

Cayuga Duck, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Cayuga Duck, Clearlake, California

Cinnamon Teal, Merced National Wildlife Refuge

Common Goldeneye (Male), Tracy Aviary, SLC, Utah

Common Goldeneye (female), Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California

Crested Duck, William Land Park, Sacramento, California

East Indie Duck, William Land Park, Sacramento, California

Eurasian Wigeon, Richmond Marina, California

Gadwall Duck (male and female), Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Greater Scaup, Richmond Marina, California

Greater Scaup, Richmond Marina, California

Green-Winged Teal (female), Colusa NWR

Green-Winged Teal (male), Colusa NWR

Lesser Scaup (female), Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California

Lesser Scaup (male), Arrowhead Marsh, Oakland, California

Long-tailed Duck (formerly called Oldsquaw) Nimbus Fish Hatchery, California


Long-tailed Duck (formerly called Oldsquaw), Elkhorn Slough, California

Mallard Duck (male), Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Mallard Duck (female), Clearlake, California

Mallard hybrid, Sugar House Park, SLC, Utah

Mallard hybrid, Sugar House Park, SLC, Utah

Mandarin Duck, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Mottled Duck, Aransas, Texas

Muscovy Duck, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Muscovy Duck, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Muscovy Duck, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Northern Pintail, Colusa NWR

Northern Pintail, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Northern Shoveler, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Northern Shoveler, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Ogar Duck, Beijing, China

Red-crested Pochard, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Ring-Necked Duck (male), Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Ring-Necked Duck (female), Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Ringed Teal, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Ruddy Duck (female), Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Ruddy Duck (male), Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Ruddy Duck (male), Lake Titicaca, Peru

Ruddy Shelduck, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Saxony Duck, Hagan Community Park, Rancho Cordova, California

Speckled Teal, Lake Titicaca, Peru

Surf Scoter, Elkhorn Slough, California

Surf Scoter, Bodega Bay, California

Wood Duck, Elk Grove Park, California

Wood Duck (female), Portland, Oregon


Cattle Egret, Aringay, La Union, Philippines

Cattle Egret, Stockton, California

Cattle Egret, Pias, La Union, Philippines

Great Egret, Woodbridge Ecological Reserve, San Joaquin County, California

Great Egret, Carmichael, California

Great Egret, Isenberg Crane Reserve, Lodi, California

Great Egret, Raqchi, Peru

Pacific Reef Egret, Sunset Bay, La Union, Philippines

Reddish Egret, Aransas, Texas

Reddish Egret (white morph), Aransas, Texas

Snowy Egret, Watt Avenue Regional Park, Sacramento, California

Snowy Egret, near Lincoln, California

Snowy Egret, Ueno, Japan


American Goldfinch, Carmichael, California

American Goldfinch, American River, Carmichael, California

Cassin’s Finch, Carmichael, California

Chestnut Munia, Puerto De San Juan, La Union, Philippines

Finch, Hong Kong Bird Market

House Finch, Capay Open Space Park, Esparto, California

House Finch (Yellow phase), Balboa Lake, Van Nuys, California

Lesser Goldfinch, Carmichael, California

Lesser Goldfinch, Carmichael, California

Pine Siskin, Carmichael, California

Scaly-Breasted Munia, Puerto De San Juan, La Union, Philippines


American Flamingo, Sacramento Zoo

American Flamingo, Sacramento Zoo

American Flamingo, Sacramento Zoo

Caribbean Flamingo, Cozumel, Mexico

Chilean Flamingo, Salt Pond, San Francisco Bay Tidal Flat, Newark, California

Chilean Flamingo, Tracy Aviary, SLC, Utah

Greater Flamingo, African Safari Park, San Diego, California

Above, courtesy of Tracy Aviary, SLC, Utah

Flycatchers and Bee Eaters:

American Redstart, Cozumel, Mexico

Painted Redstart, Fort Huachuca, Arizona

Ash-throated Flycatcher, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Black Phoebe, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Black Phoebe, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Black Redstart, Auschwitz, Poland

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Cozumel, Mexico

Blue-Tailed Bee-Eater, San Fernando, La Union, Philippines

Blue-Throated Bee-Eater, Subic Bay, Philippines

Brown-crested Flycatcher, Cozumel, Mexico

Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Cozumel, Mexico

Dusky Flycatcher, Watt Avenue Regional Park, Sacramento, California

Eastern Kingbird, Cozumel, Mexico

Eastern Phoebe, Aransas, Texas

Gray Kingbird, Cozumel, Mexico

Great Kiskadee, Cozumel, Mexico

Greenish Elaenia, Cozumel, Mexico

Hammond’s Flycatcher, Sonora, California

Many Colored Rush Tyrant, Lake Titicaca, Peru

Many Colored Rush Tyrant, Lake Titicaca, Peru

Olive-sided Flycatcher, Effie Yeaw Park, Carmichael, California

Phainopepla (female), Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Phainopepla, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Rose-throated Becard, Cozumel, Mexico

Say’s Phoebe, Maxwell Cemetery, Maxwell, California

Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Fort Huachuca, Arizona

Tropical Kingbird, Cozumel, Mexico

Verdin, Red Roof Inn, Marana, Arizona

Western Kingbird, Woodland, California

Western Kingbird, New Hogan Lake, Valley Springs, California

Western Wood-Pewee, Antelope Island, Utah

Western Wood-Pewee, Sacramento County, California

Geese and Swans:

Aleutian Cackling Goose (banded), Staten Island Road, Galt, California

Aleutian Cackling Goose, Staten Island Road, Galt, California

Andean Goose, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Bar-headed Goose, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Barnacle Goose, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Black-necked Swan, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Black Swan, Bass Lake Regional Park, Rescue, California

Blue Goose, Colusa National Wildlife Refuge, Colusa, California

Blue Goose, Colusa National Wildlife Refuge, Colusa, California

Canada Goose (hybrid), William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Canada Goose, Effie Yeaw Nature Center

Canada Goose, near Folsom, California

Canada Goose (hybrid), Lake Natomas State Park, California

Chinese Goose, Natomas Regional Park, North Sacramento, California

Chinese Swan Goose, Watt Avenue Regional Park, Sacramento, California

Chinese Swan Goose, Watt Avenue Regional Park, Sacramento, California

Coscoroba Goose, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Egyptian Goose, Cologne, Germany

Egyptian Goose, Wertheim, Germany

Emden Goose (or Embden Goose) Lodi Lake, Lodi, California

Greater White-Fronted Goose, Colusa NWR

Hawaiian (Nene) Goose, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Magpie Goose, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Mute Swan, Beijing, China

Mute Swan (Adult), Mather Lake Recreation Area, Rancho Cordova, California

Mute Swan (Juvenile), Mather Lake Recreation Area, Rancho Cordova, California

Mute Swan, Mather Lake Recreation Area, Rancho Cordova, California

Mute Swan, Lyon, France

Mute Swan, Miltenberg, Germany

Mute Swan, near Nurnburg, Germany

Red Breasted Goose, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Ross’s Goose, Colusa NWR

Snow Goose, Colusa NWR

Snow Geese (adult and juvenile), Colusa NWR

Snow Goose (juvenile), Colusa NWR

Snow Goose, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Steinbacher Goose, William Land Park, Sacramento, California

Toulouse Goose, Bass Lake, California

Trumpeter Swan, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Tundra Swan, Staten Island Road, Galt, California

Tundra Swan, Sankey Road, Sacramento, California

Tundra Swan, Sankey Road, Sacramento, California

Whooper Swan, Lathrop, California

Grebes and Loons:

Clark’s Grebe, SNWR, Willows, California

Eared Grebe, Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California

Eared Grebe, Bear River Refuge, Utah

Horned Grebe, Richmond Marina, California

Pied-Billed Grebe, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Pied-Billed Grebe, American River, Carmichael, California

Red-necked Grebe, Natomas Regional Park, Sacramento, California

Western Grebe, SNWR, Willows, California

Common Loon, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Common Loon, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Grosbeaks, Buntings & Cardinals:

Black-headed Grosbeak, Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona

Black-headed Grosbeak (female), Sonora, California

Blue Grosbeak, Davis, California

Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Cozumel, Mexico

Lazuli Bunting, Pedrick Road, Dixon, California

Northern Cardinal, Aransas, Texas

Pyrrhuloxia, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, Arizona


California Quail, American River, Carmichael, California

California Quail, Boise, Idaho

Gambels Quail, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, Arizona

Gambels Quail, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, Arizona

Masked Northern Bobwhite, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, Arizona

Montezuma Quail, W. Montezuma Road (to Coronado Monument), Hereford, Arizona

Helmeted Guinea Fowl, Lima, Peru

Indian Peafowl, unknown California location

Indian Peafowl (male), Willows, California

Indian Peafowl (female), Willows, California 

White Indian Peafowl, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

White and Blue Indian Peafowl, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Golden Pheasant, Lima, Peru

Mongolian Pheasant, Woodland, California

Ring-Necked Pheasant, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Ring-Necked Pheasant (tagged), Woodland, California

Wild Turkey, Effie Yeaw Nature Center

Wild Turkey (Smoke Morph), Carmichael, California

Turkey (domesticated), Florence, Texas

Wild Turkey, Sonora, California

Wild Turkey, Cosumnes River Preserve, Sacramento County, California

Wild-Turkey (Gould’s), Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona


Black Headed Gull, Ulm, Germany

California Gull, Santa Cruz, California

California Gull, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Glaucous-winged Gull, Van Damme Beach, Mendocino, California

Heermann’s Gull, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

Heermann’s Gull, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

Heermann’s Gull, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

Herring Gull, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Iceland Gull, American River by Nimbus Fish Hatchery, Fair Oaks, California 

Laughing Gull, Lake Titicaca, Peru

Laughing Gull, Aransas, Texas

Olympic Gull (hybrid mix: Glaucous-winged gull and Western gull), Point Reyes National Seashore

Olympic Gull (hybrid mix: Glaucous-winged gull and Western gull), Point Reyes National Seashore

Ring-Billed Gull, Lodi Lake, Lodi, California

Ring-Billed Gull, Paradise Beach, Sacramento, California

Western Gull, Long Beach, California

Western Gull (juvenile), Long Beach, California

Western Gull (juvenile), Bodega Bay Headland, California


American Bittern, Mather Lake, California

American Bittern, Mather Lake, California

Black-Crowned Night-Heron, Vic Fazio Wildlife Area, Yolo County, California

Black-Crowned Night-Heron (juvenile), Bodega Bay, California

Great Blue Heron, Woodbridge Ecological Reserve, San Joaquin County, California

Great Blue Heron, Gristmill Recreation Area, Sacramento County, California

Green Heron, Mather Lake Recreation Area, Rancho Cordova, California

Green Heron, McKinley Park, Sacramento, California

Grey Heron, near Nurnburg, Germany

Grey Heron, near Nurnburg, Germany

Little Blue Heron, Bolsa Chica Reserve, Huntington Beach, California

Little Blue Heron, Cozumel, Mexico

Little Blue Heron, Aransas, Texas

Little Blue Heron (juvenile), Aransas, Texas

Little Heron, (or Striated, Mangrove, Green-backed, or Little Green Heron) Sunset Bay, Philippines

Purple Heron, Sunset Bay, La Union, Philippines

Purple Heron, Sunset Bay, La Union, Philippines

Tricolored Heron, Aransas, Texas

Tricolored Heron, Aransas, Texas

Yellow-Crowned Night Heron, Aransas, Texas


Luzon Hornbill, or Tarictic Hornbill, Subic Bay, Philippines

Luzon Hornbill (male) or Tarictic Hornbill, Subic Bay, Philippines

Rufous Hornbill, Aquino Park, Quezon City, Philippines

Hummingbirds, Sunbirds and Flowerpeckers:

Allen’s Hummingbird, Monterey, California

Anna’s Hummingbird, Carmichael, California

Anna’s Hummingbird, Carmichael, California

Anna’s Hummingbird, Carmichael, California

Berylline Hummingbird, Ramsey Canyon Preserve, Hereford, Arizona

Black-Chinned Hummingbird, Carmichael, California

Black-Chinned Hummingbird, Tracy, California

Blue-throated Mountain-gem Hummingbird, Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona

Broad-billed Hummingbird, Ash Canyon Bird Sanctuary, Hereford, Arizona

Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Ramsey Canyon Preserve, Hereford, Arizona

Calliope Hummingbird, Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona

Costas Hummingbird, Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona

Costa’s Hummingbird, Cambria, California

Cozumel Emerald Hummingbird, Cozumel, Mexico

Green-breasted Mango Hummingbird, Cozumel, Mexico

Lucifer Hummingbird, Ash Canyon Bird Sanctuary, Hereford, Arizona

Olive-backed Sunbird, Sunset Bay, La union, Philippines

Plain-capped Starthroat, Ash Canyon Bird Sanctuary, Hereford, Arizona

Red Keeled Flowerpecker, Pias, La Union, Philippines

Rivoli’s Hummingbird, Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona

Rufous Hummingbird, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, Arizona

Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Ramsey Canyon Preserve, Hereford, Arizona

Ibises & Spoonbills:

Black-faced Ibis, Tracy Aviary, SLC, Utah

Puna Ibis, Raqchi, Peru

Puna Ibis, Rainbow Mountains, Peru

Roseate Spoonbill, Aransas, Texas

White-Faced Ibis, Cosumnes Wildlife Refuge

White-Faced Ibis, Sankey Road, Sutter County, California

White-Faced Ibis, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

White Ibis, Cozumel, Mexico

White Ibis, Aransas, Texas


Mexican Jay, Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona

Steller’s Jay, Portland, Oregon

Western Scrub-Jay, Carmichael, California

Western Scrub-Jay, Carmichael, California


Belted Kingfisher, Sankey Road, Sacramento, California

Collared Kingfisher, Aringay, La Union, Philippines

Common Kingfisher, Sunset Bay, La Union, Philippines

Kookaburra, Seaquest, Folsom, California

White-throated Kingfisher, or White-breasted Kingfisher, Subic Bay, Philippines


Eastern Meadowlark, Aransas, Texas

Horned Lark, Antelope Island, Utah

Western Meadowlark, Sankey Road, Sutter County, California

Western Meadowlark, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Magpies & Trogons:

Black-billed Magpie, Minden, Nevada

Elegant Trogon, Ramsey Canyon Preserve, Hereford, Arizona

Eurasian Magpie (or Common Magpie), Athens, Greece

Yellow-Billed Magpie, Ancil Hoffman Park, Carmichael, California


Goosander (Merganser), near Nurnburg, Germany

Goosander (Merganser), near Nurnburg, Germany

Common Merganser, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Common Merganser (female), Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Hooded Merganser (male), Watt Avenue Regional Park, Sacramento, California

Hooded Merganser, Watt Avenue Regional Park, Sacramento, California

Hooded Merganser, Watt Avenue Regional Park, Sacramento, California

Red-Breasted Merganser, Moonstone Beach, Cambria, California

Mimics, Mockingbirds, Pipits, Thrashers & Waxwings:

American Pipet, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

American Pipit, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Black Catbird, Cozumel, Mexico

California Thrasher, Pinnacles National Park, California

Curve-billed Thrasher, San Pedro House, Sierra Vista, Arizona

Cedar Waxwing, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Cedar Waxwing, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Northern Mockingbird, Isenberg Crane Reserve, Lodi, California

Richards Pipet, San Fernando, La Union, Philippines

Sage Thrasher, Aransas, Texas

Tropical Mockingbird, Cozumel, Mexico


Pygmy Nuthatch, Half Moon Bay, California

White-breasted Nuthatch, Folsom, California, Mormon Island Wetlands

White-breasted Nuthatch, Norma Hamlin Park, Orangevale, California

White-breasted Nuthatch, Norma Hamlin Park, Orangevale, California


Black-naped Oriole, Subic Bay, Philippines

Bullocks Oriole, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Bullocks Oriole, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Hooded Oriole, Cozumel, Mexico

Owls, Nighthawks, and Nightjars:

Arctic Owl, Anchorage, Alaska

Barn Owl, Woodland, California

Burrowing Owl, Fairfield California

Burrowing Owl, Fairfield, California

Great Horned Owl, Antelope Island, Utah

Great Horned Owl, Sankey Road, Sutter County, California

Great Horned Owl (juvenile), River Bend Park, Sacramento, California

Lesser Nighthawk, Cozumel, Mexico

Lesser Nighthawk, Capay Open Space Park, Esparto, California

Northern Pygmy-Owl, Jug Handle Beach, Fort Bragg, California

Short-Eared Owl, Sankey & Powerline Road, Sutter County, California

Short-Eared Owl, Sankey & Powerline Road, Sutter County, California

Short-Eared Owl, Sankey & Powerline Road, Sutter County, California

Western Screech-Owl, Carmichael, California


American White Pelican, Bear River Refuge, Utah

American White Pelican, Bacon Island, Holt, California

Brown Pelican, Elkhorn Slough, California

Northern Gannet, Half Moon Bay, California


Black-Bellied Plover (female), Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary, Alameda, California

Black-Bellied Plover (male), Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary, Alameda, California

Pacific Golden Plover, Palawan, Philippines

Semipalmated Plover, Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary, Alameda, California

Snowy Plover, Laguna Creek Beach, Santa Cruz, California

Snowy Plover, Laguna Creek Beach, Santa Cruz, California


King Rail, Aransas, Texas

Ridgeway’s Rail (formerly Clapper Rail), Arrowhead Marsh, Oakland, California

Ridgeway’s Rail (formerly Clapper Rail), Arrowhead Marsh, Oakland, California

White-browed Crake, Tarlac, Philippines


American Avocet, Elkhorn Slough, California

American Avocet (Winter plumage), Shoreline, Mountain View, California

American Oystercatcher, Aransas, Texas

Andean Lapwing, Lake Titicaca, Peru

Black-Necked Stilt, Merced National Wildlife Refuge

Black-winged Stilt, Bacnotan, La Union, Philippines

Black Oystercatcher, Garrapata State Park, California

Black Oystercatcher, Garrapata State Park, California

Black Oystercatcher, Garrapata State Park, California

Black Turnstone, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

Common Sandpiper, Sunset Bay, La Union, Philippines

Common Snipe, Sankey Road, Sutter County, California

Common Snipe, Sankey Road, Sutter County, California

Dunlin, Sankey Road, Sutter County, California

Dunlin, Sankey Road, Sutter County, California

Greater Yellowlegs, Cosumnes River Preserve, Sacramento County, California

Greater Yellowlegs, Staten Island Road, San Joaquin County, California

Lesser Yellowlegs, Staten Island Road, San Joaquin County, California

Lesser Yellowlegs, Staten Island Road, San Joaquin County, California

Killdeer, Bahia near Benicia, California

Killdeer, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Least Sandpiper, Merced National Wildlife Refuge

Long-Billed Curlew, Riego Road, Sutter County, California

Long-Billed Curlew, Riego Road, Sutter County, California

Long-billed Dowitcher, Merced National Wildlife Refuge

Marbled Godwit, Bolsa Chica Reserve, Huntington Beach, California

Red-Necked Phalarope, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

Red-Necked Phalarope, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

Red-Necked Phalarope, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

Red-Necked Phalarope, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

Ruddy Turnstone, Aransas, Texas

Sanderling, Cozumel, Mexico

Short-Billed Dowitcher, Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary, Alameda, California

Short-Billed Dowitcher, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

Spotted Sandpiper, Cozumel, Mexico

Spotted Sandpiper (juvenile), Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

Spotted Sandpiper (juvenile), Gristmill Recreation Area, Sacramento County, California

Spotted Sandpiper (juvenile), Gristmill Recreation Area, Sacramento County, California

Solitary Sandpiper, Powerline Road and Sankey Road, Sutter County, California

Western Sandpiper, Alameda Beach, Alameda, California

Willet, Bolsa Chica Reserve, Huntington Beach, California

Willet, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

Willet (Eastern), Aransas, Texas

Wilson’s Phalarope (female), Woodland, California

Wilson’s Phalarope (male), Woodland, California

Wilson’s Snipe, Sankey & Powerline Road, Sutter County, California

Wilson’s Snipe, Sankey & Powerline Road, Sutter County, California

Shrikes and Vireos:

Brown Shrike, San Fernando, La Union, Philippines

Cozumel Vireo, Cozumel, Mexico

Loggerhead Shrike, Grizzly Island, California

Loggerhead Shrike, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, Willows, California

Long-tailed Shrike, Tarlac, Philippines

Mountain Shrike, Baguio, Philippines

Northern Shrike, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, Willows, California

Rufous-browed Peppershrike, Cozumel, Mexico

Warbling Vireo, Lake Solano, California

Yucatan Vireo, Cozumel, Mexico

Sparrows, Juncos and Towhees:

Andean Rufous Collared Sparrow, near Puno, Peru

Black-Chinned Sparrow, William B. Pond Park, Sacramento, California

Brewer’s Sparrow, Craters of the Moon National Park, Idaho

Chipping Sparrow, Gold River, California

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Sunset Bay, La Union, Philippines

Fox Sparrow, Cosumnes Wildlife Refuge, California

Golden-Crowned Sparrow, Cosumnes River Preserve, Sacramento County, California

Golden-Crowned Sparrow/White-Crowned Sparrow (hybrid), William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

House Sparrow, Monterey, California

House Sparrow, Staten Island, California

House Sparrow, Vic Fazio Wildlife Area, Yolo County

Java Sparrow, Bacnotan, La Union, Philippines

Lark Sparrow, Folsom, California, Mormon Island Wetlands

Lark Sparrow, Folsom, California, Mormon Island Wetlands

Lincoln’s Sparrow, Cosumnes River Preserve, Sacramento County, California

Lincoln’s Sparrow, Cosumnes River Preserve, Sacramento County, California

Rufous-winged Sparrow, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, Arizona

Savannah Sparrow, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Savannah Sparrow, Meiss Road, Placer County, California

Savannah Sparrow, Sankey Road, Sutter County, California

Song Sparrow, Carmichael, California

Song Sparrow, Big Sur, California

White-Crowned Sparrow, Sailor Bar, Fair Oaks, California

White-Crowned Sparrow (banded), Point Reyes National Seashore, California

White-Throated Sparrow, Isenberg Crane Reserve, Lodi, California

Dark-Eyed Junco (Oregon Junco), Big Trees State Park, Arnold, California

Dark-Eyed Junco (male), Carmichael, California

Dark-Eyed Junco (female), Point Lobos, California

Yellow-eyed Junco, Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona

California Towhee, William B. Pond Park, Sacramento, California

California Towhee, Folsom Point, California

Canyon Towhee, Red Roof Inn, Marana, Arizona

Spotted Towhee (oregonus), Cambria, California

Spotted Towhee (montanus), Lee Kay Ponds, SLC, Utah

Starlings, Rollers and Mynas:

Asian Glossy Starling, Puerto De San Juan, La Union, Philippines

Coleto, Subic Bay, Philippines

Crested Myna, Baguio, Philippines

Dollarbird, or Broadbilled Roller, Subic Bay, Philippines

European Starling, Orangevale, California

European Starling, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California

European Starling, Doran Regional Park, Bodega Bay, California


Stork, Allmannshofen, Germany

Stork, near Koblenz, Germany

Stork (juvenile), near Vilnius, Lithuania


Emu, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary 

Greater Rhea, Ceronix, Auburn Bird Sanctuary

Ostrich, near Modesto, California

Ostrich, near Modesto, California

Ostrich, near Modesto, California


Barn Swallow, Shoreline, Mountain View, California

Barn Swallow, Sunset Bay, La Union, Philippines

Cliff Swallow (juvenile), Fremont, California

Cliff Swallow (juvenile), Fremont, California

Cliff Swallow, Cordelia Junction, California

Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Lee Kay Ponds, SLC, Utah

Pacific Swallow, Bacnotan, La Union, Philippines

Purple Martin, Roseville Road, Roseville, California

Tree Swallow, Vic Fazio Wildlife Area, Yolo County, California

Tree Swallow, Vic Fazio Wildlife Area, Yolo County, California

Tree Swallow Nest with baby, Vic Fazio Wildlife Area, Yolo County, California

White-breasted Woodswallow, Pias, La Union, Philippines

White-breasted Woodswallow, Puerto De San Juan, La Union, Philippines

Terns and Alcids:

Black Tern, SNWR, Willows, California

Caspian Tern (banded), Bodega Bay, California

Caspian Tern (juvenile), Bodega Bay, California

Common Murre, Point Reyes National Seashore

Common Murre (nesting), Point Reyes National Seashore

Elegant Tern, Bolsa Chica Reserve, Huntington Beach, California

Elegant Tern, Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary, Alameda, California

Elegant Tern, Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary, Alameda, California

Forster’s Tern, Shoreline, Mountain View, California

Forster’s Tern (juvenile), Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary, Alameda, California

Pigeon Guillemot, Elkhorn Slough, California

Pigeon Guillemot, Elkhorn Slough, California

Royal Tern, Aransas, Texas

Thrushes and Robins:

American Robin, Carmichael, California

American Robin (juvenile), Casa Loma, California

Blue Rockthrush, Puerto De San Juan, La Union, Philippines

Hermit Thrush, Carmichael, California

Hermit Thrush, Carmichael, California

Hermit Thrush, Russian Gulch, Mendocino, California

Pied Triller, Puerto De San Juan, La Union, Philippines

Varied Thrush, Sonora, California


Australian Budgerigar Parakeet, Hong Kong Bird Market

Blue and Yellow Macaw, Sankey Road, Sacramento, California

Blue and Yellow Macaw, Sankey Road, Sacramento, California

Blue-Naped Parrot, Subic Bay, Philippines

Lorikeet, Micke Grove Park, Lodi, California

Lorikeet, Micke Grove Park, Lodi, California

Mitred Parakeets, Long Beach, California

Monk Parakeet, Athens, Greece

Monk Parakeet, Athens, Greece

Monk Parakeet, Athens, Greece

Red-vented Cockatoo, or Philippine Cockatoo, Aquino Park, Quezon City, Philippines

Scarlet Macaw, Cozumel, Mexico

Vermillion Flycatcher:

Vermillion Flycatcher, Maxwell Cemetery, Maxwell, California

Vermillion Flycatcher, Maxwell Cemetery, Maxwell, California

Vermillion Flycatcher, Maxwell Cemetery, Maxwell, California


Black Vulture, Aransas, Texas

Gallinazos Black Vulture, Lima, Peru

Gallinazos Black Vulture, Lima, Peru

Turkey Vulture, Newcastle, California

Turkey Vulture, Effie Yeaw Nature Center

Turkey Vulture, Gristmill Recreation Area, Sacramento County, California

Turkey Vulture, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Warblers, Tanagers, and Bananaquits:

Bananaquit, Cozumel, Mexico

Hepatic Tanager, Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona

Northern Parula, Cozumel, Mexico

Northern Waterthrush, Cozumel, Mexico

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Orange-crowned-Warbler-DSC_0069-cr-SharpenAI-Focus-sky-lr-1024x699.jpg

                                              Orange-crowned Warbler, Lake Solano, California

Ovenbird, Cozumel, Mexico

Palm Warbler, Cozumel, Mexico

Summer Tanager (2022), William Land Park, Sacramento, California

Summer Tanager (2022), William Land Park, Sacramento, California

Summer Tanager (2023), William Land Park, Sacramento, California

Tawny Grassbird, Tarlac, Philippines

Tennessee Warbler, Cozumel, Mexico

Western Spindalis, Cozumel, Mexico

Western Tanager, Ice House, California

Wilson’s Warbler, Big Sur, California

Yellow Warbler, Cozumel, Mexico

Yellow-faced Grassquit, Cozumel, Mexico

Yellow-Rumped Warbler, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California


Acorn Woodpecker, Pinnacles National Park , California

Arizona Woodpecker, Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona

Downy Woodpecker, Genoa, Nevada

Gila Woodpecker, San Pedro House, Sierra Vista, Arizona

Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Aransas, Texas

Greater Flameback Woodpecker, or Buff-spotted Flameback, Subic Bay, Philippines

Hairy Woodpecker, Redding, California

Hairy Woodpecker, Redding, California

Nuttall’s Woodpecker, near Folsom, California

Nuttall’s Woodpecker, Gold River, California

Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Ramsey Canyon Inn, Hereford, Arizona

Lewis’s Woodpecker, Lake Solano Park, Solano County, California

Philippine Pygmy Woodpecker, Pias, La Union, Philippines

Pileated Woodpecker, Big Trees State Park, Arnold, California

Red-breasted Sapsucker, Gold River, California

Red-Shafted Flicker, Mather Lake Recreation Area, Rancho Cordova, California

Red-Shafted Flicker, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

White-bellied Woodpecker, Subic Bay, Philippines

White-Headed Woodpecker, Big Trees State Park, Arnold, California

White-headed Woodpecker, Ice House, California

Yucatan Woodpecker, Cozumel, Mexico

Yucatan Woodpecker, Cozumel, Mexico

Wrens, Kinglets and Titmice:

Bewick’s Wren, Carmichael, California

Bewick’s Wren, Carmichael, California

Black-crested Titmouse, Aransas, Texas

Bridled Titmouse, Fort Huachuca, Arizona

Bushtit, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Cactus Wren, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, Arizona

Canyon Wren, Pinnacles National Park, California

House Wren, Mather Lake Recreation Area, Rancho Cordova, California

Marsh Wren, Bear River Refuge, Utah

Rock Wren, North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve, Butte County, California 

Rock Wren, Folsom Point, California

Oak Titmouse, Carmichael, California

Oak Titmouse, Carmichael, California

Oak Titmouse, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California

Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, William B. Pond Recreation Area, Carmichael, California



Bald Eagle nest, near Folsom, California

Baya Weaver Bird nest, Penang, Malaysia

Cliff Swallow nest, Fremont, California

Killdeer nest, Sacramento County, California

Mourning Dove nest, Carmichael, California

Black-Chinned Hummingbird nest, Tracy, California

Great Horned Owl nest, River Bend Park, Sacramento, California

Stork nest, near Vilnius, Lithuania

Tree Swallow nest, Vic Fazio Wildlife Area, Yolo County, California

Common Murre, Point Reyes National Seashore, California

Brandt’s Cormorant, Point Lobos, California

Brandt’s Cormorant, Elkhorn Slough, California

Cactus Wren, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, Arizona

Great Blue Heron nest, William B. Pond Park, Carmichael, California

Hooded Oriole nest, Gray Lodge, California

Snowy Egret nest, Stockton, California

Yucatan Woodpecker nest, Cozumel, Mexico

Acorn Woodpecker nest, Ancil Hoffman Park, Carmichael, California

White-Headed Woodpecker nest, Big Trees State Park, Arnold, California

This is an ongoing post that will be updated as more and better photographs of our feathered friends become available.  In the meantime, if you found this article useful, please like, share, and follow.

All photographs are the copyright of Jim Jackson Photography. Please contact me with any questions, comments, or authorization to use photos or for signed, high-resolution prints.

This post is dedicated to my grandson, Ryan Jackson Logan, who is an expert birder and is fascinated by the natural world around him.


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